As a child, Daddy always was asking me if I had put back the toothpaste where I found it. After we finished riding horses, he asked if I had put the tack back in the barn. After raking the yard, he asked if I had put back the rake, pitchfork, wheelbarrow. Why does it matter? It became like a broken record – question after question after question. Let’s run over the dead horse one more time, I was thinking to myself. I had no idea what this process was teaching me. The mundane tasks, the questions, the inspection of what my Daddy expected – there was a purpose to all of this? What I didn’t realize is that the purpose would be revealed much later. So many lessons learned from this process during my childhood.
1. When you put things back where you found them, you respect the item and the people that want to use it later.
2. If you can be disciplined in one area of your life, you can be disciplined in all areas.
3. The better you take care of things around you, the longer you will have them.
4. When you have respect for others, others tend to respect you. You reap what you sow.