Recognizing the Obvious – Chapter 6



My Daddy started teaching me how to ride at a very early age. There are many pictures of me riding with him on his prize horse named Candy. Over the years, we had many different horses that captured our heart and also frustrated us with their personalities. One horse in particular named

Sea Reba came to live on our farm. He was an absolutely beautiful horse and full of personality. All the horses were in the red barn that my Daddy had built. The locks on the doors were typical and customary to most horse barns. A few weeks after Sea Reba had arrived at the farm, we noticed that the horses were getting out and going to the feed room. Daddy just could not figure out what was happening. Then, he decided to spy on the horses one day. What he saw amazed him. Sea Reba had learned how to open the locks on the barn and then open the lock on the feed room and let everyone enjoy more food. Now, if you have been around horses and noticed how big their lips and mouths are, you would know that it is a miracle that a horse would be able to achieve such a task. Daddy went to work on replacing the locks and outsmarting this horse. Finally, after many efforts, Daddy decided to build a new barn. This new barn would have top of the line locks on the doors that not even

Sea Reba would figure out how to open them. As luck would have it, this horse figured out how to open the barn doors even with these new locks. I learned so much by watching my Daddy respond to this challenge. He just shook his head in laughter and enjoyed the fact that he owned one of the most brilliant horses that has ever lived.



 1.  Your animals can really give you a run for your money.

2.  It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.

3.  You never know how/where you will learn life’s lessons.