Recognizing the Obvious – Chapter 4

Chapter 4




I never realized as a child that we were sacrificing to get ahead. Daddy has done an incredible job being the spiritual leader in our home. He and mama created a budget and followed it no matter how painful it was to do so. I remember how amazed I was at mama creating meals out of nothing. I would look in the cabinet and not see much of anything. However, mama was a genius at creating the most beautiful, nutritional meal from what she had in the cabinet. Now, that my friends, is an art. Daddy was the engine behind her creativity. He had given her a grocery budget and expected her to make it work. There were many times when mama asked Daddy for a larger budget. He told her that he was buying more stock at the company and to be patient. Wow, all three of us girls had absolutely no idea the sacrifices that were being made behind closed doors. I remember when someone at school asked me if I was rich. I came home and asked mama if we were rich. Her response, “we are so rich in so many ways and started listing all of the ways.” I will never forget that conviction of love from mama that day. The greatest riches of all is the spiritual foundation that my parents have set for me.  There were many times when I truly did not want to go to church. I am so grateful that my parents did not give me a choice. I didn’t have enough information to make that choice. As we sat there in church, I watched the offering plate go by and see my parents give their tithe. Another gift I am so grateful for is watching my parents give God the first fruits of their labor. 



1. It is amazing how creative you can be when you eliminate your options.

2.  If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?

3.  There is nothing richer than an attitude of excellence.

4. Giving the Lord the first fruits of your labor signifies that you trust Him to lead you.

5. Remember, God doesn’t need your money, He wants your heart.