Of all the many things I have learned from my Daddy, it is how to respond to life. When I was in high school, Daddy was working on a big deal at work. He would get up early every morning and spend time thinking and working on this deal. It would be the topic of family conversations and letting us know how things were progressing. The reason this deal was so big was Daddy was lining himself up to receive a commission check from this that would meet his normal yearly salary. Wow, we were very excited for Daddy and knew that he was going to get it. One evening, Daddy came home and was sharing with mama that he did not get the deal. Another company came in with a lower bid and they took it. He was crushed. I don’t believe I had ever seen Daddy so disappointed. Mama, in her own wonderful way, was comforting him. The next morning I asked Daddy how he was doing and he said, “Great!” Today is another day to “go get ‘em” and I know there is something waiting for me. Wow, there was another moment of major coolness flowing from my Daddy. His ability to bounce back and get back out there was so awesome. I didn’t realize it at the time but he was teaching me how to respond to failure. He always says, “it’s nothing but a thing”. Whenever he says those words, my soul is so comforted. I know that the Lord works right through my Daddy and guiding me in everything I do. When the Lord was picking out a Daddy for me, He knew exactly who I needed. Even though we don’t agree on everything and I just don’t understand why he does some of things he does, I know he has my best interest at heart.
1. Have several options that you are working on.
2. You must have the ability to bounce back in order to take advantage of the next day.
3. Handle failure the same way you would handle success – stay humble.
4. Even though you don’t understand why life is throwing you a curve ball, just know that
the Lord has your best interest at heart.