Leadership Lesson I learned from the barnyard

Good Morning to my fellow leadership lesson junkies!

Just got back from collecting the most beautiful eggs from the barnyard. While I was filling the buckets with water, filling the bins with food and collecting eggs, I had a great moment as it relates to business and life.

It only takes 15 minutes to walk from the house to the barn and do the necessary chores. In order to make it more pleasurable, you must have the right attitude, right attire and long term vision. I must admit, I do step through LOTS of manure while I am on my adventure but my vision is “how many eggs are in the nest?” When I walk in the chicken coop, I say “Good Morning Girls” and ask them how they are doing as I hear them clucking away. I collect eggs, walk back through the barnyard and head to the house. It only took 15 MINUTES to collect 20 eggs!!!

Can you imagine walking out the barnyard with high heels on? It is just like getting on the phone to follow up with clients about their products with a bad attitude and NO VISION.  The manure slides between your toes instead of rolling off your rubber boots.

Oh, the leadership lessons from the barnyard…

Thank you for indulging me today as you read this Funny Friday post:)