Spring Fling Party
Showcasing all the latest and hottest spring beauty products from Mary Kay Cosmetics
Everything from cheek glaze to lip nectars to cellulite lotion….
Intimate Bridal and Formal Wear Shop
Tuesday, March 23rd
6:30 PM
Wear Spring/Tropical Attire
Refreshments and Drawings
RSVP 671-7815
Pick your copies up today at the local newstands.
Marie Claire p. 115
Essence p. 29 – awesome training on Foundations p. 48
Oprah p. 83
Good Housekeeping p. 86
Buying beauty magazines is a tax-deduction. You are educating yourself on market trends and how women are buying. All of these ads are FULL page and very obvious placement in the magazines. Thank you Mary Kay for spending the money on great advertising! Women are buying MK. They might as well be buying from you.
Remember, you can push the pause button and let the video “catch up” and then hit play again to watch w/o interruption.