SNL Update June 6th

I have some exciting news for our Mary Kay family. Hoping by now you have gotten the promotions by email that our consultants have a chance to win an IPAD in June. All new consultants have a chance to win a Iphone or video camera. I am working on a promotion for our unit tonight and will roll it out in the morning. You will have a chance to win a FLAT SCREEN TV. Watch for details…. We are finishing up the 5th Mary Kay Car in June – when we do someone is winning a TV!!! I just love the month of June. It is our last month of the fiscal year of Mary Kay and it is when BIG THINGS happen. I appreciate you all. Mary Ann

Be a STAR -message from a 3 yr.old

SNL Memorial Day Weekend

You probably guessed it. 3 day weekend and today while on the boat, I realized I had not recorded our weekly video.
Here is what is happening: 9 Consultant orders came in this past week. Look who is rocking!
Cassandra Davis, Jean Bender ($1200 Wholesale)! Jane Purser, Debbie Collins ($500 wholesale)! Sarah Mitchell, Cynthia Reason,
Kristy Chambers, Holly Ladners ($600 wholesale)! and Anna Martin.
We are finishing up a strong month. Remember, it’s not over until midnight tonight. You can still be apart of the Memorial Day Success.
Now is the time to be ordering all of our SunCare Products. Have a great night!
I have a great video to share later in the week so be on the “lookout”.

Great video clip on “listen”

SNL March 23rd- What is your WHY?


Last night we were at the ballfield watching Joshua play ball. He was playing centerfield and the ball was hit out to him. It bounced and popped his mouth. He went down to his knees, held his mouth, coaches were running out to him, players concerned and blood was flowing. I popped up out of my seat and headed out to the field. Just at that time, he got up and started walking to the dugout. It was a bad pop and looked a whole lot worse than it really was after we cleaned up the blood. He took his turns at bat each inning and held ice on his mouth between plays. Our team was down 8-0 and then Joshua made the only run for the night. Our team lost, however, it was a big win for Joshua in perspective. He pressed through and finished what he started. After the game, one of the coaches was consoling him. I made the comment, “He will be just fine. If you don’t want to get hurt, don’t play the game.” That thought just popped out of my mouth. I was reminded last night that no matter how bloody, how painful, how bad you lose, you always have the gift of perspective. We have a choice in how we see life. That is the greatest gift that we possess.

Don’t Give Up

Don’t give up on your dream! Walt Disney walked into 322 banks before someone said, “Yes, Walt Disney, we will be glad to loan you the money for your dreampark in Florida.” Are you willing to hear “no” that many times before a “breakthrough”?
Whatever you think about, you bring about.

SNL – May 16th

Trash It Night

Mark your calendar for our Trash It Night on Tuesday, May 25th, at 6:30 PM at the Intimate Formal Wear Shop. Bring all your non-MK items to trash and get a discount when you purchase MK to replace. Interesting video…..

SNL- Mother’s Day Message