Do everything with “class”. Your stationery must be the best, your work clothes, your hair, nails, even your car done to perfection; your demeanor and speech always above reproach. First impressions do make a difference.
Do everything with “class”. Your stationery must be the best, your work clothes, your hair, nails, even your car done to perfection; your demeanor and speech always above reproach. First impressions do make a difference.
Customer Service Tip #1: Say “thank you” often. Thank you for the privilege of allowing me to introduce you to our product. Appreciation unlocks doors!
Customer service: Do you your treat your family (especially your husband) the way your treat your customers? I am guessing that you treat your customers like royalty. What you pour into the lives of others comes back 10 fold. Happy Valentines Day – pour out the LOVE!
Commitment is staying focused and true in completing whatever steps I need to take to achieve and maintain a goal. Be focused during the process…….Follow One Course Until Successful……..( Top Consultants with Mary Kay,Jean B. Bender, Commitment Weekend)
My definition of commitment:Facing challenges with strength, determination, and perseverance to do whatever it takes to get the job done while maintaining the highest level of integrity, excellence, and professionalism. (Anna Jane Daniel, Sales Director, Commitment Weekend)
Staying true to myself and my faith in God while striving to complete the tasks he’s given me no matter how hard, how overwhelming, how many times I fail. It’s never giving up. Holly Ladner (Top Consultant, Mary Kay, Commitment Weekend)
Until I am committed, there is hesitancy, a chance to draw back. But the moment I definitely commit myself, then God moves also and a whole stream of events erupt. All manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings, persons and material assistance which I could never have dreamed would come my way – begin to flow toward me the moment I make a commitment.
Champions NEVER Give Up! Winston Churchill said, Never, Never, Never Give Up! The only people who fail are those who GIVE UP.
Champion Quality #9: Champions are extra-milers. They don’t do just enough to get by; do that and then some.