Author Archive for Mary Ann – Page 8

Be Ready and Prepared

Remember when your mother said to you growing up, “have you done your homework?” and our response was “no”. As much as we didn’t want to do our work, we knew it was best to be prepared and ready for class the next day. This is what Jesus is saying in Matthew 25 to Be Ready, you never know when Jesus will come back. We always want to be ready and prepared. It is key for us to put our oxygen masks on before helping another ( as we experience getting ready to fly on a plane). If we have not done what we need to do to be prepared, then how can we have the clarity, the courage, the strength to reach to help someone else in need? It is important to Be Prepared and Ready. Every minute spent in planning saves an hour in execution. So be smart in your planning. It could save you hours of headaches.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!

Teamwork makes the dream work! When you transfer that thought from theory to action, the steam in the locomotive multiplies and you start to experience God’s promise from Eph 3:20 -“God can do way more than you can even imagine.”

Your face shows what you eat….

What you eat shows not only on your body but also your face. Did you know that certain foods such as grapes can help those little age lines? Grapes are loaded with antioxidants like vitamin C that act as the skin’s bodyguard, preventing and repairing premature dryness, fine lines and sagging caused by free radicals, which are the by- product molecules of normal cell function. One to one and a half cups of grapes deliver close to 20% of your daily Vitamin C needs and also supply your body with a chemical that helps preserve the protein elastin, which keeps your skin plump and moist and not looking like a dried prune:)

My Girlfriends Closet – Oct 22nd

Do you want a life of significance?

Want to live a life of significance? Design a Life Plan. Every minute spent in planning saves an hour in execution. Visit: and check out the FREE online tools to start designing your life TODAY. Everything starts with a Life Plan, then you can move on to Business plan, vision and priority management.

Expect Favor

Did you realize God is looking for someone to favor all the time? He is looking for someone who has an expectant heart, grateful heart, serving others, forgiving heart and most of all, a heart like His. Prepare yourself to receive all that He has prepared just for YOU.

Live Life to the Fullest – Steve Jobs

Sweet Remembrance!

This is a story about my father taking me to a horseshow when I was about 13 yrs. old. It was a beautiful fall day. I had practiced with my horse and worked so hard to groom his make him look just stunning in the ring. There were about 15 that entered the Western Pleasure horse show class that afternoon. After entering the ring, I, along with a few others were immediately disqualified. I was crushed! My father met me at the gate and we went and practiced some more. He shared with me some things that the judge may have seen and the reason for leaving the class. So, we practiced, some more and more and more. My father went over to the judge and was “talking it over”. Not my particular situation but just watching the horses and showmanship in general. My father made a general statement and said, ” you might want to watch this horse coming in the next class, I am seeing some things you might not be seeing”. My father did not say a word about me being his daughter. So, I entered the next class, a little humbled by the 1st rejection. I kept focused and remembered all that my father and I had just gone over. After several times around the ring, we lined up in the middle for the judge to “take a look”. I was so nervous and wondered how my horse and I did this time. The good time is that we didn’t get disqualifed. So, I sat on my horse, waiting and waiting. Then all of a sudden, the names started being called in order of 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd  and 1st place! My heart was pounding and then I realized I had gotten 1st PLACE! This story is so similar to my daily life. Somedays, I get disqualified, and then some days I win 1st place. I have learned just as much from the days of disqualification as I have the days I got 1st place! We might not have an earthly father to guide us but we all have a Heavenly Father that is anxious to guide and direct when we ask.

Happy Thursday!

What a day to be alive! God is faithful, good, patient, kind, and loving. I ask myself, “if He lives in me, have I been all those things today?” Just a thought to ponder…Remember, tomorrow is a FRESH START!

Christmas Workshop 2011

Part #1

Part #2

Part #3