Author Archive for Mary Ann – Page 20

Sunday Night Live

Technical difficulties still are being addressed so please hang in there waiting for the videos to come back up.

Great News from Last week!

Jean Bender  hosted a Harley Ladies Night Out in New Bern with about 25 -30 women and sold lots of product.

Caroline Sutton had great success at the Banana Republic Fashion Show in Winston Salem – lots of bookings and product sold. You go girl!

Mary Ann LeRay had a fun birthday party with some young girls celebrating their big day. Over $350 in Sales!

Met with Amber Pridge and her family for a send off lunch. They are moving to AZ this week. We will miss you Amber!

Kristy Chambers is a brand new qualified consultant on our team! Kristy lives in Newport, NC.

Melody Hunt  and Carla Smith – both from the Raleigh area- are selling lots of product this Holiday season. You go girls!

Please call or email me with your news so it is posted on our website. Make it a great week!

“The harder you work, the luckier you get.”    quote from my father, Allen Bender

I got a feeling…..November to Remember…Are you with me?

Using Social Media to Humanize Again

Chris Brogan shares his thoughts on how we can use social media to build relationships. Interesting thing he highlights is something Mary Kay is “known” for and the reason women are drawn to MK. Check it out and leave me your comments.

Overnight Success – Chris Brogan


Great thought about another element of overnight success….

Sunday Night Live – Technical Difficulties:)

Good Morning LeRay Leaders,  No video for Sunday night Live. Please bear with us on our technical difficulties.

News: Jean Bender got a new customer while camping – the woman told her she wanted everything she was using on her face and that she would send her a check. Wow! Got to to love that! Jean is hosting a Harley Ladies Night out This Friday.

Caroline Sutton – Banana Republic Fashion Show in Winston- Salem – Can’t wait to hear how that goes!

Melody Hunt – earned her pearl bracelet – I know she will have 1-2 new team members this month. You go girl!

Margaret Anne Bell- heading to Dallas with Mary Ann in a couple of weeks – time with Top Leaders in MK – touring Corporate Headquarters- she has earned her RED Jacket! Way to go Margaret Anne!

Holly Ladner – sold $350 to a customer for Christmas gifts – bought 10 cofffee and cream sets – Now is the time to call your customers and see how you can help them with their Christmas gift giving. Holly also is making a basket to be raffled off at her church for a mission project.

Preferred Customer Program – registration is now througth the 15th – sign up your customers now to receive a Look Book for the Spring

Until next time, have a great week! Please fill out the comment section on the website and send me your NEWS!

All things are Possible, Mary Ann

It was definitely a “pink” kind of a day…

Corrigan and LeRayHotel Roanoke in VA was the venue for over 750 women celebrating the life before, during and after the battle with breast cancer. My friend, Anna Jane Daniel, chaired the entire event and the ACS hosted well-known author and breast cancer survivor, Kelly Corrigan, to share some laughs with us that day.

You will love her book “The Middle Place”!

Visit her website – for more information.

Overnight Success

Ever wonder why people around you might be experiencing “overnight success”? Thought this video was right on.

Sunday Night Live – October 25th – Roanoke, VA

Sunday Night Live

Video upload each Sunday to recognize YOUR efforts and accomplishments. Email, text, facebook me with your BIG NEWS on your parties and new team members. We are not able to “meet” physically each week because our unit is in 15 different states. We are using technology to our advantage and connecting each week to showcase YOU. The first upload will be later tonight, the 18th. So, look for it on Monday night. Make it a great week!

Calling all Chamber Members who want to line dance “party” during the Business Expo on August 20th at the Convention Center. During the expo, every 2 hours, we are going to be dancing in the walkway in front of our booths. Dance times: 11AM, 1 PM, 3 PM and 4:30 PM. Your assignment is to learn the dance so you will be ready to “Party with a Purpose” next Thursday at the Expo. We will have a special surprise entertainment at the Business After Hours. You don’t want to miss this!

Click here  to view the dance and hear the song.