Author Archive for Mary Ann – Page 15

Dreams Do Come True!

SNL – May Edition – Live from the Water

SNL – April 25th – Wow!

Conversation with Lance Armstrong

Great interview that covers so much that we can use in our daily lives. Motivation, Mental Training, Family, Inspiration, and Victory over Cancer.

Click the link for a Conversation with Lance Armstrong

SNL- Ah, Spring!

Good evening! I am just getting in from Oriental, the sailing capital of NC. What a beautiful day to travel down with my husband and son.  My husband, Jeremy, has a dream of buying a sailboat. We went to a boat show and visited many beautiful sailboats. Then we went to a coffee shop and had a great cup of coffee sitting on the waterfront talking with people from all over the world. We visited a few shops and then ended our day with dinner at the Bistro by the water. It was a day of filling up the cup. It is important to fill yourself up if you are going to continue pouring into others every day. What a privilege to lead such an incredible group of women in Mary Kay. I am seeing many of you stepping up and moving up the career path this month. I believe in you and know that you can do it!

Have a great Sunday evening.

Value of Character

Character results from a series of wise decisions. Decision making is a muscle. You have to work out and strengthen it daily. Making a decision helps you to see if you have actually made the right one. Don’t focus so much on making the right decision. Make your decisions right for you.  How someone plays the game shows his character – How one loses shows ALL the character.

What is your dugout?

“The church is our dugout, but work is the arena filled with watching, hungry fans where God has called us to play the game.” John Maxwell

Easter Message

I trust each of you has had a wonderful day with your family celebrating Easter. Started my day with a walk as the sun was coming up over the trees and as I walked I praised God for his goodness, mercy and provision for my life. Thanking Him for my precious husband and son still lying in the bed sleeping. Grateful that I was able to witness the two of them plant the garden yesterday. As I walked, I noticed the dogwood leaves are coming out on the trees. It is amazing to me that these trees start to bloom right at Easter. When you look at this beautiful flower on this tree, you see the shape of a cross, the indentions where His hands and feet were nailed to the cross and the crown of thorns in the middle. God is so faithful as He continues to woo us with His gentle reminders of how much He loves us. I am so thankful for my health that I was able to get up and walk down the road this morning and enjoy the breeze and birds singing. As I was thinking about all the things that I am most thankful for, I am often reminded of my Mary Kay family. This is not just a business; it is a lifestyle. A place where you can make a living and a life sharing it with those who have the same priority of Faith, Family and Career. Our team continues to step out on faith and touch those who are hurting (emotionally, financially, physically). We have a very special gift to offer women and it is a blessing to us when we are sitting there watching the transformation happen right before our eyes. Serving others creates an environment of “irresitiable influence”. You became apart of our team because of a reason. Have you asked yourself lately “is the reason still the same?” I appreciate you so much and know on this Easter Day that I celebrate you and your families as you continue to dream, plan and be adventurous in this journey.
Mary Ann

SNL- Cut a Thon in Raleigh

Hump Day Update