Author Archive for Mary Ann – Page 13

Move that Mountain

The person who moved the mountain started by carrying small stones. We are only asked to have faith as little as a mustard seed and then God will help us build our faith. Each day you live is a piece of your dream. One day you will wake up to the life you have dreamed about if you just keep focused on the small stones and the mustard seed of faith. You can do it!

To do List

Is there something on the “list” that keeps getting pushed to the next day? Is is something that needs to be done by you? Action cures FEAR. Procrastination serves no one.  Is it Fear of Failure or Fear of Success? Michael Jordan said, “I failed over and over and over again. Therefore, that is why I succeed.” Embrace the unknown and take the leap of faith today. People will wonder what you have been up to:)

Life is a result of choices

The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.
~Flora Whittemore


“Do not grow weary in well doing but in due time, you wil reap your harvest.” Galatians 6:9

PUSH   P-ray   U- ntil    S-omething   H-appens and don’t forget to breathe or you will pass out!

It’s a New Year!

It is the 8th of the month of a New Year. Are you staying motivated by your new resolve? When we are able to answer three questions, the likelyhood of our goals becoming a reality is much greater. 1st- WHY? ( purpose) 2nd – How? 3rd- What?      Why are you making a change? How will you go about making the change? What tools/systems will you implement to make it happen? Work from the inside (heart) to the outside (plans on paper).  This is called the “Golden Circle” strategy. Go for the GOLD, my friends!

We finished the GOAL!

Congratulations to our team! We all worked together to make it happen. We crossed the finish line
with $15,768 in production. The drawing for the TV will take place on Tuesday, July 13th, at our next
Mary Kay event. Thank you to the team captains: Ginger, Stacy, Debbie, Jean and Cassandra for making calls, emails and
cheering eveyone on to success! I appreciate you all so much. Here is to our next BIG GOAL for Seminar 2011.

Interesting Thought about Change

“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped, to deal with a world that no longer exists.” Robin Cook

SNL – Father’s Day Update

SNL – Go Josh Go!

Great leadership lesson watching my son, Joshua, learning how to kneeboard. After several times of pulling him up, he falls, we turn the boat around, we are encouraging him “you can do it”, he finally “gets it”. We did it over and over and over again. We knew he could do it and “believed” that he could do it. As I watched from the boat, I saw his confidence soar as he went over each wake and at the end he started smiling. As we are working together with each other encouraging in the game of life, are we really “sold out” on ourselves and each other? It takes trying over and over and over again. Failing over and and over again. Therefore, we succeed!

Coach John Wooden on Success