VISION: What is the one thing that you love to do that fuels you? When is the last time you have done that? That “one thing” sharpens your vision.
VISION: What is the one thing that you love to do that fuels you? When is the last time you have done that? That “one thing” sharpens your vision.
Vision: You must have a long range vision to keep you from being frustrated by short term failures. Teams, families, relationships can’t thrive w/o VISION.
“Effective leadership is not based on being clever; it is based on being consistent.” All great leaders plan their work and work their plan. Every minute spent in planning saves an hour in execution.
“To often we try to be a “human doing” before we have become a “human being”. (Socrates)
“Integrity is the glue that holds our way of life together. We must constantly strive to keep our integrity intact.” Billy Graham
“A person of integrity is one who has established a system of values against which all of life is judged.” V. Gilbert Beers
“I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty.” John D. Rockefeller
Remember, when there is a problem or complaint, the customer is always right. Respond to a complaint promptly and sincerely. Go the extra mile!
Personalize your business. Take one customer for dessert and coffee once a week to find out what you are doing right. Customer loyalty is built one customer at a time.