I am often asked, “how have you been successful in business”? What is the MAGIC? I have heard it said, “if you just don’t quit, you will one wake up and realize you are living the life you have been dreaming about.” Each day do something towards your dream. Every negative thought/action is like a withdrawal from your dream account. Every positive action/thought is a deposit into your account. Do you have the right account to be earning “interest” on your dream? Think about success as daily compounding. Save a penny, next day save two pennies, third day, double it and then keep doubling. Those pennies are your thoughts and actions. It is the little things that make all the difference in the world. The little things you do AND the little things you don’t do. There is no secret or magic pill. Just hard, strategic work and not giving up when it hurts so bad you want to throw in the towel. That moment separates the “wanna bees” from the CHAMPIONS. If you are still reading this…you are on your way to a CHAMPIONSHIP!